Sunday, February 27, 2011


This was the week we incorporated more of the human body into our drawings. along with the hips and ribs we continued down to the the thigh area to the knee. we worked on many different muscles in the upper portion of the knee including the hamstring and quadriceps. with the new use of line it has given me a better understanding of where the leg exists in space. I still struggle with the rib to hip ratio but i do notice it is easy to correct in a longer timed drawing when I can draw what I see (as far as the silhouette of the human figure along with the belly button and obliques.) along with in class drawing most of our homework has been the clay modeling of leg muscles. The beginning and the end of the muscles/tendons is very important to understand when incorporated into the in class drawings. I still struggle with the shape of the muscles but notice that it is not as important as how the muscles looked compared to each other (how the exist in the space of the leg.) Looking forward to see more of the human figure appear in this weeks drawing and hoping to perfect the hips and ribs.